
Students with additional needs


At Goondiwindi State School we have access to a variety of support services and programs available to the students of our school. These services align with The Melbourne Declaration on Educational Goals for Young Australians (MCEETYA, 2008) (Melbourne Declaration) which provides the policy framework for the Australian Curriculum. It includes two goals:

Goal 1: Australian schooling promotes equity and excellence.

Goal 2:  All young Australians become successful learners, confident and creative individuals and active and informed citizens. 

The following pages detail the support available to Goondiwindi State School students.

 The Goondiwindi Special Education program is a cluster of resources,  specialist teachers, and support staff. Our school's special education program is dedicated to supporting the educational needs of students in one or more disability areas.

Special education services available to support students and children with disabilities by providing visiting or outreach support are:

-         advisory visiting teachers

-         guidance officers

-         registered nurses

-         Physiotherapists

-         occupational therapists and

-         speech-language pathologists.

The Head of Special Education Services (HOSES)

The Goondiwindi State School SEP is overseen by the HOSES, Amanda Girodat (pictured above). The HOSES is a teacher and member of Goondiwindi State School administration team whose work includes:

-         taking a central role in the education team in curriculum planning for the student

-         teaching students with disability

-         monitoring the progress, performance and behaviour of students with disability

-         giving advice and guidance to teachers and support staff

-        co-ordinating and managing the staff and resources of the specialised program.

Individual Curriculum Plans

Teachers meet with parents/carers  regularly to identify Curriculum Access Goals for each student.  These goals target skills that will help our students access the school curriculum. Curriculum Access Goals include literacy skills, social and physical access skills. The ICP also records each student’s Curriculum Implementation Plan, which describes units of work within the Australian Curriculum Learning Areas that their teacher are delivering, and other meaningful activities with which the student is engaging.

In addition for students in the Care and Protection of the Department of Communities, Child Safety, an Education Support Plan is written and reviewed annually. This is recorded on OneSchool.

Early Childhood Development Program

The ECDP caters for children from birth to 5 years who have been diagnosed or have suspected developmental difficulties.  The ECDP offers a playgroup once a week which is conducted by one of the SEP teachers and an Aide.  The aim is to make the eventual transition of students to school as successful and stress free as possible.


Gifted and Talented

Giftedness can be defined as the top 10% to 15% people with a particular ability in a specific  field or fields of endeavour. Within this group there are categories of giftedness, with each group progressively becoming smaller as the IQ or ability level goes up.


The first step in being able to successfully support the needs of gifted students is to appropriately identify their educational requirements. Gifted students can be diverse in their educational needs. In order to address these needs in the best possible manner for the gifted student, a comprehensive and accurate accounting should be made of student strengths, interests and weaknesses. A comprehensive evaluation of student abilities should help to determine a successful outcome in schools being able to appropriately cater to gifted student needs. There are some characteristics that gifted students will often share, both positive and negative, that also can help in the identification of these students.

For more information please see:  Able Learners

The Queensland Association for Gifted and Talented Children.

Last reviewed 25 March 2020
Last updated 25 March 2020